The Holy Cross Catholic Church is situated on the edge of the village, on main road to Falcarragh. The raised site of the church has the magnificent Muckish Mountain as a backdrop, and Horn Head and Sheephaven Bay in the foreground.
The foundation stone for the church was laid in September 1896, so this lovely church has been an integral part of community life for nearly a century and a quarter. The Very Reverend Fr. Martin Doohan, the parish priest is a local man who works tirelessly with everyone in this busy rural parish.
Mass is celebrated in the church every Sunday at 10am. and 11.30am., and on Saturday at 6pm. Weekly Mass is also celebrated at 10am. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
For more information: Telephone +353(0)74 913 6163
A fantastic addition to the whole community facilities in the parish is the Ozanam Community Centre situated opposite the Church. The very popular weekly Farmer's market is held here every Saturday at 11am. The centre also hosts all kinds of community events from amateur boxing tournaments, Christmas markets, antique fairs, and not forgetting the well known annual Country Music Concert. The centre also offers valuable space for meetings of community groups.
For more information about the Ozanam centre: Telephone +353 (0)74 910 0888